
This command allows you render a web page to an image buffer and returns the base64 encoded representation of the image.

The supported formats are:

  • PNG
  • GIF
  • JPEG

Commmand arguments:

  1. image_format
  2. full
    • true for rendering all the page, false if we are going to use a selection
  3. selector
    • If full is false then you have to specify the CSS selection you want to render, internally we will use document.querySelector.

Full page render request:

    "name" : "render_base64",
    "args": [
      "png", true, null

Part of a page render request:

    "name" : "render_base64",
    "args": [
      "png", false, "body > div.wrapper > div.main.clearfix"


A successful render_base64 command will reply with:
